Balancing in a handstand position is a landmark ability of the strength/handstand dimension. It involves completely inverting the body, with the arms and hands as the base of the position. Performing handstand kriyas develops the strength of the core and upper body. Cardiovascular benefits are achieved by reversing the direction of blood flow. Balancing in a handstand energizes the upper chakras, improving mental focus, intuition and confidence.
Steps To Take:
There are 3 basic kriyas used to energize the upper body and develop arm balancing abilities with straight arms. They are to be practiced in the order they appear. Each kriya builds the endurance needed for the next. The first exercise will prepare the shoulders and upper body to enter an inverted position. Do 3-9 sets depending on what is necessary to achieve a sufficient warm-up.
1. Downward Dog Presses
Description (Purpose/Function)
Foundational kriya to develop straight arm handstand postures
Conditions shoulders and upper body
Hands on the floor, shoulder width apart
Spine moving toward extension, supported by uddiyana bandha
Chin down and slightly back to energize neck
Top of head pointed towards floor
Tailbone reaching upward
Feet apart as wide as your mat or wider than the hips
Gaze directed towards the navel
1. Start in the downward dog position. Follow exhale movements to press the chest back to the thighs
2. Hold the depth of the position and energize with kapalabhati.
Primary Movement/Direction of Opening: Extension of the spine
Energetic Properties: Energizing, strengthening
Other Important Information:
Spread fingers and grip the floor, maintaining an outward rotation of the shoulders.
Activate bandha system to develop a sense of lightness.
2. Stage 1 Handstand
Foundational kriya used to energize upper body and develop arm balancing abilities
Hands shoulder width apart, ~3ft away from the wall · Extension of spine, with a slight pelvic tilt to encourage a minor backbend · Hips over shoulders · Legs 1-2ft apart · Look between the thumbs · Rest in squatting position between sets.
Primary Movement/Direction of Opening: Static inversion
Energetic Properties: Improves concentration, intuition and confidence
Other Important Information:
Strengthen fingers by gripping the floor to alleviate excess weight in the wrist joint and avoid strain.
Keep kapalabhati consistent in force and number.
3. Stage 2 Handstand (Kickup Exercise)
Foundational kriya to develop arm balance postures and floating abilities
1. Start in the sprinting position. Inhale to jump with the front leg, and swing back leg upward. 2. Exhale land lightly into starting position.
Base: Hands on the floor, shoulder width apart Stem: Spine moving toward extension Cap: Chin lifted to energize neck Limbs: One leg forward, one leg back. Focal point: Gaze directed between the thumbs
Primary Movement/Direction of Opening: Flexion into extension of spine.
Energetic Properties: Energizing, strengthening
Other Important Information:
Allow this kriya to develop momentum and endurance.
Keep legs arranged into an inverted “L” shape as they swing and jump upward.
4. Stage 3 Handstand Balance
Foundational kriya to develop arm balance postures and floating abilities
1. Start in the sprinting position. Inhale to jump with the front leg, and swing back leg upward. 2. Hold a split-leg position either on wall or in center of the room.
Hold a split-leg position either on wall or in center of the room.
Primary Movement/Direction of Opening: Inverted extension of spine.
Energetic Properties: Energizing, strengthening
Other Important Information:
Use fingertips as a “steering wheel”.
Access deep uddiyana bandha for stability.
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