Book One
This simple cross-legged posture is the king of seated asanas and forms the base of many advanced yoga practices.
In padmasana the body's central column sits upright with both legs folded and crossed on top of each other. The hands can assume a variety of mudras.
Mastery of padmasana creates lightness in the body and allows for a free-flowing energy from the lower chakras to the upper. This is ideal for meditation and pranayama.
Because of the degree of hip rotation required to perform this posture, great care is required to avoid injury of the knees and ankles. The BYS road to lotus is the foundational guide for achieving this opening.
The Steps to Take:
The first 3 exercises are foundational kriyas used develop seated postures.
They condition the muscles of the hips in order to safely open the lotus position. One should not attempt the lotus opening before priming the legs and hips with these 3 foundational exercises.
1. Single Leg Kriya
Foundational kriya used to develop seated postures · Conditions muscles of the hips in order to safely open the Leg Dimension
1. Exhale to flex at hip joint and laterally direct upper body toward the extended leg. 2. Inhale return to starting position. Repeat 25–30x
Energization Technique A: Take hold of lead foot, roll body forward and back 10–15 times.
Energization Technique B: Enter lateral stretch with extended arms and one-foot grip. Open chest, gaze upward, and practice 10-30 kapalabhati.
Primary Movement of the Spine/Direction of Opening: Lateral flexion of the spine, Asymmetrical rotation and abduction of hips
Energetic Properties: Grounding, pacifying
2. Double Leg Kriya
A foundational kriya used to develop seated positions · Conditions the area of hips and sacrum · Opens the legs and back
1. From starting position, exhale to roll the pelvis and direct upper body forward toward the feet. 2. Inhale, return to neutral.
Neutral pelvis · Axial extension of the spine with bandha support
Enter full stretch position · Hands to feet, chest and chin to floor · Practice 10–30 kapalabhati
Primary Movement of the Spine/Direction of Opening: Forward flexion of the spine, Abduction of the hips, Rolling forward tilt of the pelvis
Energetic Properties: Grounding, stabilizing
3. Baddha Konasana
Foundational kriya used to develop symmetrical hip rotation
1. Use the hands to open the soles of the feet upward and exhale, directing the chest and chin forward. 2. Inhale return to starting position.
Repeat 25–30x
Engage outer hips and round spine to touch forehead to toes · 10–30 kapalabhati
Alternate Energization Technique: Keep spine extended, engage outer hips and bring chin to the floor. Practice 10–30 kapalabhati
Primary Movement of the Spine/Direction of Opening: Forward flexion of the spine, Deep symmetrical hip rotation, Rolling forward tilt of the pelvis
Energetic Properties: Grounding, arousing
Other Important Information:
Press outer edges of the feet together and pull knees away from hips to create more space for the forward movement.
Keep elbows in front of shins.
Do not be discouraged.
4. Padmasana / Lotus
Landmark ability of the leg dimension · Considered a “mini-dimension”
Variation 1 Easy Pose: ankles crossed one in front of the other · Spine extended upward, chest lifted
1. Choose appropriate base then follow exhale movements directing the chin and chest over each knee 10–15x each.
2. Once complete, follow exhale movements rocking forward 25–30 times.
Deepen opening with 10 natural breaths
Variation 2 1/3 Lotus: Legs crossed, one ankle in the opposite knee crease, other ankle underneath the knee · Gaze directed forward
Variation 3 1/2 Lotus: Legs crossed, one ankle in the opposite hip crease, other ankle under the knee
Variation 4: 2/3 Lotus: Legs crossed, one ankle in the opposite hip crease, other ankle beside the opposite knee
Variation 5: 3/4 Lotus: Legs crossed, one ankle in the opposite hip crease, other ankle directly in front of opposite knee
Variation 6 Full Lotus: Legs crossed, both ankles in opposite hip creases.
Primary Movement of the Spine/Direction of Opening: Axial extension of the spine · Outer rotation of the hips, energization of knees and ankles
Energetic Properties: Grounding, stabilizing, arousing, pacifying
5. Bharadvajasana
Foundational kriya used to develop seated positions, particularly lotus and pigeon postures · Energizes the sacrum
Variation A: Follow exhale movements to rock the body laterally in the direction of the feet. 30x
10–30 Kapalabhati
Variation B:
Base: Top leg in lotus, bottom leg folded back with foot against hip
Stem: Extension into backbend
Cap: Head relaxes back
Limbs: One hand grips bottom knee, other hand grips top foot, behind back
Follow exhale movements to rock the body backward into backbend. 30x
Variation C: (Preparation for Yogi Dandasana)
Base: Top leg in Lotus, bottom leg folded back with foot against hip
Stem: Spine upright
Cap: Balanced over spine
One hand grabs outer edge of lotus foot, other hand supports below ankle
Lotus knee is sitting on floor
Follow exhale movements to lever knee against floor and lift foot towards shoulder. 15x
Primary Movement of the Spine/Direction of Opening: Asymmetrical rotation of the femurs with deep knee flexion, Rotation and extension of the spine
Energetic Properties: Grounding, pacifying
Other Important Information:
For variation B, maintain as much space between vertebrae as can be sensed.
Keep the hips knees and feet pressing downward to stabilize the lower body.
Expansion Kriyas