Legs, Shoulderstand

Seated Single Leg, Seated Double Leg, Baddha Konasana, Wide Leg (Prasarita Padottanasana), Full Splits (Chest Down), Standing Balancing, Hanumanasana or Leg Behind the Head or Lotus, Shoulderstand rolls or Shoulderstand Routine, Meditation

  • Warm up
  • Bastrika Breathing
  • Meditation

1. Seated Single Leg



2. Seated Double Leg



3. Baddha Konasana




4. Wide Leg (Prasarita Padottanasana) 



5. Full Splits (with the chest down)


6. Standing Balancing



7. Hanumanasana or Leg Behind the Head or Lotus




Or Lotus




8. Shoulderstand rolls or Shoulderstand Routine

Shoulderstand Rolls



Or Shoulderstand Routine


  • Meditation